Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hi everyone and welcome to the DDD and CqRS Leaven Project Blog.

Project finally reached a Beta version of the First Milestone. So we decided that it is the right time to present it to the first enthusiasts.

Feel free to study resources on Google Code: wiki, svn, group, prezi visualisations.


  1. is it possible to join to the project as active contributor?

  2. Yes, it is possible. At first please join our discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/ddd-cqrs-sample

  3. I asked for group subscription as well. The ddd-cqrs-sample looks like the most comprehensive example of DDD __implementation___ for Java, I have seen.

    Sławek - good job, keep it up!!!

    Marcin Kuthan
    Maven For Enterprise - http://code.google.com/p/m4enterprise/
